Wednesday, August 28, 2013


In some ways, marriage and writing are a lot alike. They are both a process, both things we choose out of love. They are also often the very definition of a labor of love (we should take vows when we decide to become writers; for better or worse seems like a big one). And mostly, they both require a whole lot of dedication, compromise, and commitment.

Today, John and I celebrate two anniversaries. The big one: nine years of marriage. The smaller but perhaps more impressive one: one year in Russia. I'll tell you what - if you ever want to test the strength of your marriage, join the Foreign Service.

In all seriousness, I am so grateful for the past nine years with the love of my life. We have seen our share of challenges: moves to Florida, Texas, California, DC, and Russia; two deployments; one plane crash; depression (mine); extreme endurance sports (his); career changes; loss of loved ones, etc. It isn't always easy to stay committed during those rough patches.

But we have had more than our share of joy as well: a beautiful, healthy child; amazing friends all over the world; supportive family; getting to travel more than I ever dreamed; and doing all of it with my best friend. I am truly blessed.

Happy 9th anniversary, sweetie! I love you!


Unknown said...

Awwwww! Awesome post!

Emily R. King said...

A whole year in Russia already? Where did the time go?

Congrats on nine years. That's a tremendous accomplishment. I hope you have many more years together to come!